To the operators

Organizing Public Transport in area under the authority of City of Kuopio

Long distance routes in central Kuopio

Restricting competition

Invoicing address of City of Kuopio

Organizing public transport in the area under the authority of City of Kuopio

The Public Transport Committee of the City of Kuopio renewed its decision to organize open public transport services in the area under the competent authority of the City of Kuopio on 26 April 2018 by implementing the EU Regulation on Public Passenger Transport Services. The original decision was made in 2012, and since then Kuopio has become the competent authority to a much larger area due to mergers with several municipalities. Competent authorities may award exclusive rights to public service operators (local routes 1 – 40 and rural routes 42 – 86, transport routes and timetables) in accordance with the provisions of the EU Regulation.

The competent authority may, also in the future, award exclusive rights to public service operators selected pursuant to the provisions of the Regulation. Decisions on exclusive rights are published on this website.

In accordance with the EU Regulation, market-based transport operations shall not cause continuous and serious disturbance to public transport operating on exclusive rights.         

Areas under competent authority of City of Kuopio in 2018

Long distance routes in central Kuopio

In recent years, Kuopio’s market place with its immediate surroundings has been the target of a long-term development project in accordance with the planning principles approved by the City Council in 2006. One of the approved principles is to reduce motor vehicle traffic inside the central circle formed by (Puistokatu - Minna Canthin katu - Vuorikatu - Suokatu) and to limit unnecessary through traffic.

Pursuant to this principle outlined in the general transport plan of central Kuopio approved by the City Council in 2008, long distance public transport shall not pass through the city centre. The market place with its immediate surroundings shall act as the main terminal for local public transport and the bus stops inside the central circle are reserved for local transport.

Thus routes for long distance transport must be planned outside the central circle, route Asemakatu-Puistokatu as an example.

Restricting competition

The Public Transport Committee of the City of Kuopio decided on 20 September 2018 that in two objects (lines 4 and 8, and lines 30 – 40) of the tender for provision of local public transport for the year 2018 the buyer reserves the right not to accept the offers of one of the bidders in so far as acceptance of the offers would result in a monopoly in the local public transport in the area under the authority of the committee.

The contract will be awarded to the most economically advantageous offer from among the eligible offers. If one of the bidders submits the lowest offer for both objects and acceptance of the offers would lead to the creation of market power or monopoly, the offer whose point difference with the second lowest offer is smallest, will be rejected. This restrictive measure will not be used if the object-specific difference in points between the lowest and second lowest offer exceeds 10 %.

The invoicing address of the city

City of Kuopio
Urban Environment Service Area/Public Transport
PL 3016